We celebrate the essence of human achievement, one effervescent scent at a time. Here’s where our our story begins...


I grew up watching my grandfather daub his paint brush with brilliant vermillion and transforming a blank canvas into roses bursting into bloom. To this day, I can still “smell” the fragrant roses from his still life paintings. And so, my love of scents was born… Before I was four, I became curious to the big, bold letters marching across my father’s morning newspaper. Unlocking the sounds to each character, a whole new world appeared. And so, my love for reading was born…


One of my fondest memories from my childhood are the summer road trips we made to visit my grandmother, a 900-mile journey in the backseat of a car with a pile of books beside me. (The not so fond part of that memory is my dad’s ire trying to fit my duffel bag of 100+ Nancy Drew, Cherry Ames and Black Stallion books into a trunk full of suitcases). I still have those Nancy Drew books, and I’ve amassed an impressive book collection since, though nowhere near Tolstoy’s 22,000 volumes (!). As books have seen a renaissance in cover design, with some truly awe-inspiring art, I find it increasingly difficult not to add to my collection.



Wanting to surround myself with the candles that evoked the classics’ richly imagined past, I discovered – much to my disappointment – there were none to be had. Most candles on the market distinguish themselves for their fine craftmanship, elegant design or distinctive fragrance. I wanted to sense a real connection with the past, a warm feeling of joy in transporting me to the places and characters I loved. I also wanted each candle to be an object of art – a set piece equally fit as centerpiece or mantlepiece.


It took an excursion into the world of perfume and the science of smell to create the distinct fragrances for our collection of Luminaries. Each proprietary blend of scents is meant to elicit, capture, and convey the settings and mood of the novels that we love. For their design, we poured over the classics, taking copious notes of the places and characters resulting in thoughtfully crafted designs that incorporate elements of the stories we’ve come to cherish.


We know that it is the hard work and strokes (of genius) from the luminaries of the past, and those who are still come, that push humanity forward. Let their stories burn bright. By the same hard work and strokes of faith, Perfumed Wax Co. is now a flourishing business supplying some of the finest book sellers, emporiums, and independent retailers. We don’t know how our story ends, but with your support, we will continue to be the keepers of the literary flame.


My favorite character? That would be a toss-up between Elizabeth (Bennet) and Jane (Eyre). I’m partial to Elizabeth for our first name kinship (though my mother didn’t name me after her), and our good-natured disposition. But by character, I am Jane – honest, plain-spoken with a fair share of hardships, but growing in strength over time.